Plack::Response - Portable HTTP Response object for PSGI response
use Plack::Response; sub psgi_handler { my $env = shift; my $res = Plack::Response->new(200); $res->content_type('text/html'); $res->body("Hello World"); return $res->finalize; }
Plack::Response allows you a way to create PSGI response array ref through a simple API.
$res = Plack::Response->new; $res = Plack::Response->new($status); $res = Plack::Response->new($status, $headers); $res = Plack::Response->new($status, $headers, $body);
Creates a new Plack::Response object.
$res->status(200); $status = $res->status;
Sets and gets HTTP status code. code
is an alias.
$headers = $res->headers; $res->headers([ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ]); $res->headers({ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }); $res->headers( HTTP::Headers::Fast->new );
Sets and gets HTTP headers of the response. Setter can take either an array ref, a hash ref or HTTP::Headers::Fast object containing a list of headers.
$res->body($body_str); $res->body([ "Hello", "World" ]); $res->body($io);
Gets and sets HTTP response body. Setter can take either a string, an array ref, or an IO::Handle-like object. content
is an alias.
Note that this method doesn't automatically set Content-Length for the response. You have to set it manually if you want, with the content_length
method (see below).
$res->header('X-Foo' => 'bar'); my $val = $res->header('X-Foo');
Shortcut for $res->headers->header
$res->content_type('text/plain'); $res->content_length(123); $res->content_encoding('gzip');
Shortcut for the equivalent get/set methods in $res->headers
$res->redirect($url); $res->redirect($url, 301);
Sets redirect URL with an optional status code, which defaults to 302.
Note that this method doesn't normalize the given URI string. Users of this module have to be responsible about properly encoding URI paths and parameters.
Gets and sets Location
Note that this method doesn't normalize the given URI string in the setter. See above in redirect
for details.
$res->cookies->{foo} = 123; $res->cookies->{foo} = { value => '123' };
Returns a hash reference containing cookies to be set in the response. The keys of the hash are the cookies' names, and their corresponding values are a plain string (for value
with everything else defaults) or a hash reference that can contain keys such as value
, domain
, expires
, path
, httponly
, secure
, max-age
can take a string or an integer (as an epoch time) and does not convert string formats such as +3M
$res->cookies->{foo} = { value => 'test', path => "/", domain => '', expires => time + 24 * 60 * 60, };
Returns the status code, headers, and body of this response as a PSGI response array reference.
$app = $res->to_app;
A helper shortcut for sub { $res->finalize }
Tokuhiro Matsuno
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa